Friday, October 30, 2015

What was the theme and or message of the story of Dick and Rick Hoyt?

What was the theme and/or message of the story of Dick and Rick Hoyt?

Slipperyporpoise101:I thought that it was very inspirational and it inspires every body. that nothing holds you back, not age not disables that is what I toke away from rick and dick.

little buck:  We can learn that no madder what you are like  or look like you should be yourself  not what your friend wants you to be and love is a very powerful thing in the world.

bonbeecasanne:  The message the video had given me was that hard work, determination, and incredible stamina can take you a long way. The Hoyt's story is extremely inspiring for those whom feel that they are segregated from the norm just because they might be different. Their story is one of many stories with the repetitive theme that anyone can overcome their differences.

chickenlover23: The message was that Rick is paralyzed and he inspires his dad to do what he does.

Pro Golfer 7665:   Dick would do anything to make Rick happy. It teaches me that it is good to be for your loved ones, because they would do the same for you, and you could change someones life just by making them feel good about themselves.

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