Friday, October 16, 2015

Connection to Text Tom Sawyer

In Chapter 31, Tom and Becky are lost in a cave that is full of bats and deep pits.  The only source of light they have is a candle that is quickly running out.  This proves to be a really scary experience for the two of them.

In at least 3 sentences, write about a time in your life when you were really scared.  

  • Where were you?  
  • Who were you with?  
  • Why were you so scared?

Have some respect for your writing!!!  Use capitals and periods.

Link to Tom Sawyer Movie:


  1. One time I was nervous, This lasted for for a year or two. At school when the firemen came and taught us how to be safe, I would freak out when I get home, At night I would get a box and put some necessities in it, I would have nightmares and stuff, I guess I grew out of it.

  2. one time me and my sister was biking and we went down the hill and i missed the turn and i went 4 miles all down hill and i ran over a beaver tail it took me 8 hours to walk up all the hill

  3. i got lost in the woods with my cousin and i waqs lost in price chopper and also got lost in the town of Chatam. love hatin obama

  4. i was in dicks and got scared couse i didnt know what to do

  5. One time I was at a pro golf tournament, and got lost. My parents ended up finding me near a tent. I was very scared.

  6. I was scared when me and my Sister were with my Grandma and Grandpa because they got lost and we were in there car on our way to a Zoo

  7. One time, I was at my house with my friend Mady, we were walking down to a bridge and we wanted to climb down it, I went first, I was so scared, and I fell down on big rocks.

  8. I was in the woods when I was younger. I got lost by my self. I had to find my way back and I was scared the whole time.

  9. I was at a haunted house.
    I was with my brother, Ethan tuck
    I was so scared because I got the crap scared out of me

  10. I was in the woods when I was younger. I got lost by my self. I had to find my way back and I was scared the whole time.

  11. i was at my house. i ws with my friend. i fell and almost died

  12. Well, one time I was really nervous and it's as close as I've ever been to scared. I was at the park with my friend D-Bob and before my parents had dropped me off, they specifically told me not to leave the park, but about a half hour after they dropped me off, D-Bob said to me "Lol S-Bob's house is in the neighbor across from the park let's go walk there" And I was really nervous because the street we had to cross was busy, and when we actually got there (it was a mile-long walk), S-Bob and D-Bob were playing with a BB gun and started shooting the ceiling and I was really worried about my parents going to pick me up at the park and me not being there, so I rushed out and said I had to go and was never caught but I was panicking the whole time. :^(

  13. There Was A Time When I Was Alone At My House, My Mom And Sister Were Gone, And It Was 1am In The Morning. I Went Outside To Get Some Fresh Air, And There Was This Moth. 3x The Side Of A Typical Moth Size. I Run Inside, And Screamed, And Did Not Go Outside For 2 Days.

  14. One day Xander came over to my house and he scard me

  15. Their was a time when I was scarred it was when their was no more hamburg. It was a horrible day because I cud not Mack tacos. When I got hamburg I did not have a taco kit.

  16. I was at a haunted house.
    I was with my brother, Ethan tuck
    I was so scared because I got the crap scared out of me

  17. one time i was scared was when i was in north carolina and me and my family wanted to take a trip so we went to grandfather mountain and we went on the swinging mile high bridge it was made of steal so we were more safe and we got to the other side of the bridge and me and my older brother sat on the edge of a cliff and we had to leave and i go to get up and my foot slippeed and i almost fell to my death but my older brother grabed me and pulled me up and this was only last year

  18. Tacoman, I couldn't imagine how scared you must have felt. Not having hamburg? No hamburg means no tacos. No tacos means no Tacoman. I hope you have recovered.

  19. i got scared cuz i looked in the mirror

  20. it should say "he will always be missed and he will be loved"

  21. ¨To Joe, For Being A Strong, Great Man. We Wish You Were Still Here. We All Had Good Times. And We Will Continue To Later¨
