Friday, October 30, 2015

What was the theme and or message of the story of Dick and Rick Hoyt?

What was the theme and/or message of the story of Dick and Rick Hoyt?

Slipperyporpoise101:I thought that it was very inspirational and it inspires every body. that nothing holds you back, not age not disables that is what I toke away from rick and dick.

little buck:  We can learn that no madder what you are like  or look like you should be yourself  not what your friend wants you to be and love is a very powerful thing in the world.

bonbeecasanne:  The message the video had given me was that hard work, determination, and incredible stamina can take you a long way. The Hoyt's story is extremely inspiring for those whom feel that they are segregated from the norm just because they might be different. Their story is one of many stories with the repetitive theme that anyone can overcome their differences.

chickenlover23: The message was that Rick is paralyzed and he inspires his dad to do what he does.

Pro Golfer 7665:   Dick would do anything to make Rick happy. It teaches me that it is good to be for your loved ones, because they would do the same for you, and you could change someones life just by making them feel good about themselves.

Sunday, October 25, 2015

Blog Post 10/22

Did you like Tom Sawyer?  Give three reasons why or why not. (10/22)

Littlebuck wrote:  Three reasons I like the book is it is funny, cool and different than any book I have read.

Jackson wrote:  When we were reading tom sawyer i did not like it.  One reason why is because it is boring.  The second thing is that it is hard.  The third thing is it was confusing.

Halli wrote:  The Adventures of Tom Sawyer just didn’t seem to captivate me (though I’m partially to blame for not paying enough attention I suppose). I liked the book, but I’d most likely never read it again. It had both positive and negative qualities, but personally for me the actual plot in itself wasn’t interesting. It’s apparently a classic that everyone needs to read, but it just didn’t seem that significant to me. It did have interesting, 3D characters though, so the book wasn’t all bad. (Id prefer to read the Outsiders or Westside Story though :^) )

Julianna wrote:  I disliked the book “The Adventures of Tom Sawyer” because it was not very appealing, it was written in an ABC little kid way.  It was not very right to the point and it was dry and boring.

Gina wrote: I didn’t really like the Tom Sawyer because it didn’t make sense, I couldn’t understand it and it seemed weird.

Mady w wrote:  The book The Adventures of Tom Sawyer is really great and the reasons I really liked the book Tom Sawyer are
1) It’s adventurous and I love adventure.
2) It’s basically a really good life story in the perspective of a boy.
3) It’s just really amazing.

Xander Tuck wrote:  What I thought of Tom Sawyer was a pretty good book by my standards.
Reason 1) It had pretty nice adventures in the book.
Reason 2) It had good taste in a good villain.
Reason 3)  The book had a great ending to it.

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

The Fate of Injun Joe


Your task today is to write an epitaph for Injun Joe's grave.  An epitaph is a statement in memory of a person who has died that is usually found as an inscription on someone's gravestone.  Look at some of the examples below, and then post your idea for Injun Joe's epitaph as a comment below.

Friday, October 16, 2015

Quizlet Vocab Review TS 3

Connection to Text Tom Sawyer

In Chapter 31, Tom and Becky are lost in a cave that is full of bats and deep pits.  The only source of light they have is a candle that is quickly running out.  This proves to be a really scary experience for the two of them.

In at least 3 sentences, write about a time in your life when you were really scared.  

  • Where were you?  
  • Who were you with?  
  • Why were you so scared?

Have some respect for your writing!!!  Use capitals and periods.

Link to Tom Sawyer Movie: